20+ Difference between plot and story

When we look at the words “plot and story,” we hardly notice any difference between them. People tend to mix the meanings of these words. There is, in fact, an overlap between them. However, there are significant differences that we must be aware of.  

A plot portrays the sequence of the events of a story, whereas a story is the entirety of the situation. 

Comparison Between Plot And Story

Metrics of ComparisonPlotStory
MeaningIt is a series of interconnected events that bind and shape the story.It is a piece of writing that tells us about the events or a sequence of events.
OriginIt was first recorded in 1100.It was first used in the 13th century.
EtymologyIt is sometimes believed to be derived from the Greek term  “plan.”It has been derived from the Latin word “story.”
PartsIt has nine integral parts.It has seven elements.
TypesTypes of plots include tragedy, comedy, rags to riches, rebirth, return, overcoming the monster, quest, voyage, mystery, and rebellion. Types of stories include fable, parable, action, drama, adventure fiction, epic poetry, etc.
Complexity and StructureA plot has a definite structure but is not as complex as a story.A story has a much more complex structure.
PurposeIt explains the how aspect of the story. (how did it happen).It explains the aspect of the story. (what happens next).

Major Difference Between Plot And Story

What is a plot?

 A plot is a sequence of events that make up a tale or story. It is a series of interconnected events that bind and shape the story. A plot is something that is built from the ground. It links one incident to the other, giving it a maze-like structure.

Key difference: Plot

  • It is the series of incidents and occurrences that make up a tale.
  • The term “plot” solely exists in English.
  • There can be many plots in a story.
  • It was first recorded before 1100.
  • It explains the main events in the story.

What is a story?

A story portrays a narrative’s who, what, and where parts. It is a piece of writing that tells us about the events or a sequence of events.

However, it doesn’t detail the “why” and “how” of the storyline. Instead, a story sets up the structure of the events. 

Key difference: Story

  • It is the exact narration of a series of events.
  • The term “story” has been derived from the Latin word “story.”
  • A story can have many plots.
  • The word “story” was first known in the 13th century.
  • It pictures the central point of a piece of writing.

Contrast Between Plot And Theme


  • Plot- The word “plot” has no origin and solely exists in English. However, it is sometimes believed to be derived from the Greek term “plan.” It was first recorded before 1100.
  • Story -The term “story” has been derived from the Latin word “story.” It was first used in the 13th century.


  • Plot- It’s the overarching notion of what the viewers should anticipate in the story. It refers to a sequence of actions and occurrences connected to or related.

    A plot answers a story’s how, when, and why. It has a definite structure. The plot elements are exposition, foreshadowing, initial force, conflict, rising action, crisis, climax, falling action, and resolution.
  • Story-A story is a narrative description of an occurrence or series of occurrences. It can be fictional or non-fictional. A story caters to a narrative’s who, what, and where aspects. The entire situation is covered, especially what happens to the individuals in that world.

    A story has a total of 7 elements, including theme, characters, setting, conflict, point of view, and tone. Whether a story is long or short, these elements are necessary. 

Complexity and Structure:

  • Plot- A plot has a definite structure but is less complex than a story.
  • Story- A story has a much more complex structure. It portrays the character and everything that happens in the character’s world. 


  • Plot- Types of plots include tragedy, comedy, rags to riches, rebirth, return, overcoming the monster, quest, voyage, mystery, and rebellion. 
  • Story- Types of stories include fable, parable, action, drama, adventure fiction, epic poetry, etc.


  • Plot- A plot has a total of 9 integral parts. These are tragedies, comedy, rags to riches, rebirth, return, overcoming the monster, quest, voyage, mystery, and rebellion. 
  • Story- A story has a total of 7 elements, including theme, characters, setting, conflict, point of view, and tone. 


  • Plot-A plot describes the occurrences of a narrative. It explains the how aspect of the story.
  • Story- A story expresses the timeline of the occurrences. In addition, it explains the aspect of the setting.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Can the terms “plot” and story be used interchangeably?

No, both words should not be used synonymously. A plot is one of the elements of a story, and a plot cannot exist without a story.

 2. What is the correlation between a plot and a story?

A plot adds depth, meaning, and spark to a story. Plot development supports and improves the storyline, making it engaging. 

3. What should come first-plot or the story?

One should start with the story, as this would give the writer a basic framework for to work upon. This is because there would be no pressure on the writer to make sense of the things in the initial stage. 

4. Can there be a story without a plot?

Yes. A non-fiction story can support itself without a plot. However, fiction requires a solid plot based on factual bits.

5. What makes a good story?

A good story follows a proper plot structure. It has to have a structure that is both engaging and well-written. 

6. Is a plot-important to a story?

A plot provides a skeleton to the story. The absence of the plot will leave the readers with many question

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