20+ Differences Between Atheism And Agnosticism (Explained)

Does God exist? Who sent us to Earth? Is Science the only thing that can be proven?

The question about the creator of the universe and the controller of all living beings has baffled us since the existence of time. It remains to be a legitimate question that most of us strive to find an answer to.

However, as time passes by, some individuals have gone on their separate paths of understanding. Some have chosen to believe in the construct of God, while others have given up.

But what is the difference between Atheists and Agnostics if both do not believe in God? Let’s find out.


Key Differences between Atheism and Agnosticism


  1. Atheism has proven in itself that God or any other kind of supernatural force does not exist.
  2. The idea of Atheism is to outrightly deny the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force that is in power.
  3. The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of not believing in the existence of life after death.


  1. One does not need proof of the existence of God or the non-existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power in order to be Agnostic.
  2. The idea of Agnosticism is to consider the possibility of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force as long as valid facts and proof are provided.
  3. The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to the idea of not being able to conclude for certain whether there is a life after death.

Comparison Between Atheism And Agnosticism



The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of not having any kind of certain belief in the construct of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power. The idea of Atheism is to outrightly deny the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force that is in power.

The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to the idea of not agreeing to believe in the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power but being open to the idea if presented with valid and convincing facts and evidence in regards to the subject matter.


The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of straightaway ruling out the idea of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force. 

The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to the idea of considering valid facts and evidence of the actual existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force, which may lead them to change their beliefs later on.


The construct in relation to Atheism has proven in itself that the existence of God is not certain. Thus there cannot be God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.

The construct in relation to Agnosticism believes in itself that one does not need the proof of the existence of God or the non-existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power in order to be Agnostic.


The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of showing no concern in regards to what a person believes about the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power and why. Thus, being an Atheist means being indifferent towards the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power even if it is proven.

The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to the idea of how an individual chooses to approach the topic of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power. By identifying as an Agnostic, an individual is open to the idea of considering whether there is God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power, however, is largely indifferent to it.

Benefit of doubt 

The construct in relation to Atheism outrightly denies the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power, thus, not leaving any kind of benefit of the doubt. This is because being an atheist means being indifferent toward the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power, even if it is proven.

Agnosticism refers to the idea of leaving room to think and ponder about the idea of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force, thus, leaving a certain benefit of the doubt. Thus, an Agnostic is open to the idea of considering whether there is God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power; however, is largely indifferent to it.


The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of not believing in the existence of life after death. Even if a concrete proof is produced, Atheists will not support the idea of the afterlife due to their own beliefs.

The construct in relation to agnosticism refers to the idea of not being able to conclude for certain whether there is a life after death and being largely indifferent towards the possibility; however, open to the belief if concrete evidence is produced.

Differences Between Atheism And Agnosticism

What Exactly Is Atheism?

The construct of Atheism refers to a belief system wherein it is in itself proof that the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force is impossible.

Moreover, even if solid proof and concise facts hinting toward the existence of a divine force are produced in front of this group of people, they will still choose not to believe in the construct of God.

This is because they believe more in science and hard facts that can be seen and touched, but not something that is abstract, like God or the afterlife.

What exactly is Agnosticism?

The construct of Agnosticism refers to a belief system wherein an individual does not sit comfortably with the idea of believing in the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.

However, it is also provided that if Agnostics are provided with valid and convincing sets of facts and evidence in regards to the subject matter of God existing, they may be open to the idea and accordingly alter their beliefs based on their own understanding. 

Major Differences Between Atheism And Agnosticism


  • Atheism: The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of not having any kind of certain belief in the construct of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.

    The idea of Atheism is to outrightly deny the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force that is in power.
  • Agnosticism: The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to the idea of not agreeing to believe in the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power but being open to the idea if presented with valid and convincing facts and evidence in regards to the subject matter.


  • Atheism: The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of straightaway ruling out the idea of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force.

    This is because identifying an Atheist means not caring about the subject matter of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force.
  • Agnosticism: The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to being open in regards to the idea of being able to consider valid facts and evidence of the actual existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force, which may lead them to change their beliefs in regards to the subject matter later on, as they get to assess the subject deeply in their own terms. 


  • Atheism: The construct in relation to Atheism has proven in itself that the existence of God is not certain; thus, there cannot be God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.

    This is because the idea of Atheism is to outrightly deny the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force that is in power.
  • Agnosticism: The construct in relation to Agnosticism believes that one does not need proof of the existence of God or the non-existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power in order to identify as an individual who is Agnostic.

    This is because Agnostics are not on the constant lookout for facts about the subject matter but are simply indifferent.


  • Atheism: The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of showing no concern in regards to what a person believes about the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power and why.

    Thus, being an atheist means being indifferent toward the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power, even if it is proven.
  • Agnosticism: The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to the idea of how an individual chooses to approach the topic of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.

    By identifying as an Agnostic, an individual is open to the idea of considering whether there is God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power; however, is largely indifferent to it.

The Benefit Of Doubt

  • Atheism: The construct in relation to Atheism outrightly denies the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power, thus, not leaving any kind of benefit of the doubt.

    This is because being an atheist means being indifferent toward the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power, even if it is proven.
  • Agnosticism: Agnosticism refers to the idea of leaving room to think and ponder about the idea of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force, thus, leaving a certain benefit of the doubt.

    Thus, an Agnostic is open to the idea of considering whether there is God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power; however, is largely indifferent to it.


The What If Factor – Atheism vs. Agnosticism


  1. The construct in relation to Atheism outrightly denies the idea of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.
  2. Even if a concrete proof is shown, Atheists still choose not to follow the ideology of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.
  3. Atheism is a way of life.


  1. The construction in relation to Agnosticism does not entirely deny the idea of the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural power but is indifferent to it.
  2. If solid proof is produced in front of Agnostics that is convincing, they may choose to alter their beliefs in regards to the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.
  3. Agnosticism is open to the search for truth but largely indifferent to it.


  • Atheism: The construct in relation to Atheism refers to the idea of not believing in the existence of life after death. Even if a concrete proof is produced, Atheists will not support the idea of the afterlife due to their own beliefs.
  • Agnosticism: The construct in relation to Agnosticism refers to the idea of not being able to conclude for certain whether there is a life after death and being largely indifferent towards the possibility; however, open to the belief if concrete evidence is produced.


The Conflict Between Atheism and Agnosticism


  1. Even if a concrete proof is shown, Atheists still choose not to follow the ideology of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.
  2. The construct of Atheism also does not support the idea of life after death.
  3. Even if a concrete proof is produced, Atheists will not support the idea of the afterlife due to their own beliefs.


  1. If solid proof is produced in front of Agnostics that is convincing, they may choose to alter their beliefs in regards to the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding power.
  2. The construct of Agnosticism cannot conclude in certainty whether or whether they do not believe in the idea of life after death.
  3. In case solid proof and convincing evidence are produced, Agnostics may choose to support the idea of the afterlife based on their personal beliefs.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What is the key difference between the constructs of Atheism and Agnosticism?

The key difference between the constructs of Atheism and Agnosticism lies in their basis of it.

Atheism refers to outrightly denying the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force that is in power.

On the other hand, Agnosticism refers to not agreeing to believe in the existence of God but being open to the idea if presented with convincing facts and proofs.

Q2. What is the belief of Atheists and Agnostics in regards to the idea of life after death?

Atheism refers to the idea of not believing in the existence of life after death. Even if concrete proof is produced, Atheists will not support the idea of the afterlife due to their own beliefs.

However, Agnostics are open to the belief that concrete evidence is produced before them.

Q3. What is the belief of Atheists and Agnostics in regards to the knowledge of believing in the existence of God?

An Atheist outrightly denies the existence of God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force.

Thus, they choose not to believe in the existence of God However, an Agnostic agrees that they do not know whether there is God or any other kind of supernatural guiding force or not.

Thus, they do not have the proper knowledge and may alter their beliefs if provided with certain facts and evidence.

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