20+ Differences Between Biofuel And Fossil Fuel (Explained)

Biofuel and Fossil fuels are two of the main sources of energy. Biofuel is an emerging source of energy that has recently gained lots of popularity because of its renewable nature. On the other hand, fossil fuels have existed among us for a very long time.

Fossil Fuels are the fuels that were created billions of years ago from dead decaying matter. Since Fossil Fuels will end one day, we have to look for alternative sources of energy, and biofuel is one such source.

The major difference between Biofuel and Fossil Fuel is that the first one is a renewable source of energy while the latter is not. 


Key Differences –

Biofuel –

  1. A biofuel is a source of energy. Biofuel can be made within a short span of time. 
  2. Biofuels are renewable sources of energy. 
  3. Biofuels do not contribute to pollution. 
  4. Biofuels provide lesser energy than fossil fuels. 

Fossil Fuels –

  1. A Fossil Fuel is also a source of energy. 
  2. It takes millions of years the creation of Fossil Fuels. 
  3. Fossil Fuels are not renewable sources of energy. 
  4. Fossil Fuels create tons of pollution. 
  5. Fossil Fuels provide more energy than biofuels. 

Comparison between Biofuel And Fossil Fuel

ParameterBiofuelFossil fuel
Source of energyBiofuel is a renewable source of energy.Fossil fuel is a non–renewable source of energy.
Environment-FriendlyBiofuel is environmentally friendly.Fossil Fuel is not environmentally friendly.
Energy generationBiofuel produces a lesser amount of energy.Fossil Fuel produces more energy.
Conventional/nonconventionalBiofuel is non – conventional.Fossil Fuel is conventional.
PollutionBiofuel does not cause any pollution.Fossil Fuel causes lots of pollution.

Major Differences Between Biofuels And Fossil Fuels

In order to understand the differences between Biofuels and Fossil Fuels, it is important to first understand what are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. 

What exactly are Renewable sources of energy and Non – Renewable Sources of energy? 


Renewable Sources of Energy –

  1. Renewable sources of energy are those sources that will never get depleted.
  2. They can be used again and again, millions of times.
  3. Renewable sources of energy do not pollute our environment.
  4. Example – Wind energy, solar energy, biofuels, etc. 

Non–Renewable Sources of Energy –

  1. Non – Renewable sources of energy are those sources of energy that will get depleted. 
  2. They can not be used again and again.
  3.  Non – Renewable sources of energy pollute our environment massively.
  4.  Example – Fossil Fuels, natural gas, nuclear energy, etc. 

What exactly is Biofuel?

We have been using non–renewable sources of energy majorly; we just can not keep using them forever. Thus, we had to explore renewable sources of energy. Biofuel is one such renewable energy source, meaning it will never get depleted, unlike fossil fuels.

Biofuel is made from plants and animals called biomass. Biomass is present in the solid, liquid, and gaseous forms, but it is wildly used in liquid and gaseous forms. 


There are three types of Biofuel; these are Biodiesel, Bioethanol, Bio methanol which is discussed as follows:

  1. Biodiesel: Biodiesel is just like traditional diesel, but the difference between the two is that the first is renewable while the latter is non–renewable. Biodiesel is mainly used as an alternative to petroleum diesel. 
  2. Bioethanol: It is ethanol that is produced from biomass. Bioethanol is mainly used as an alternative fuel to gasoline. 
  3. Bio methanol: Bio methanol is methane that is made from purifying Biogas. Bio methanol is mainly used for the production of power and energy.

What exactly is Fossil Fuel? 

Fossil Fuels are the traditional sources of energy. Fossil Fuels were created million years ago from dead and decaying matter with the help of geological processes. Fossil Fuels are a form of Non – Renewable source of energy, meaning they will get finished one day.

We can not just keep on using Fossil Fuels. Another major drawback of Fossil Fuels is that they create tons of pollution.


There are three types of Fossil Fuels, and these are Coal, Petroleum, and Natural gas, which are discussed as follows:

  1. Coal: Coal is a type of Fossil Fuel that was made by dead decaying plant matter accompanied by heat and pressure millions of years ago. Coal is mainly used to generate electricity. 
  2. Petroleum: Petroleum is found under the seas and oceans and is called Mineral oil or Crude oil. It was formed millions of years ago with dead decaying matter. Petroleum is used in creating electricity, plastic and different kinds of chemical substances. 
  3. Natural gas: Natural gas is found in a gaseous state under the earth’s surface. Natural gas is a type of fossil fuel that is used for creating heat and light. 

Contrast Between Biofuel And Gasoline

Type Of Source Of Energy

  • Biofuel – Biofuel is a type of Renewable source of energy, meaning it will not get depleted. 
  • Fossil Fuel – Fossil Fuel is a type of non–renewable source of energy, meaning it will get depleted sooner or later. 

Time Taken

  • Biofuel – It does not take much time to create Biofuel. 
  • Fossil Fuel – It takes millions of years to create Fossil Fuels. 


  • Biofuel – There are three types of Biofuel, i.e., Biodiesel, Bioethanol, and Bio methanol. 
  • Fossil Fuel – There are three types of Fossil fuel, i.e., Coal, Petroleum, and Natural gas. 


  • Biofuel – Biofuel does not cause pollution. 
  • Fossil Fuel – Fossil Fuel creates tons of pollution. 

Energy Generation

  • Biofuel – Biofuel creates low energy as compared to Fossil Fuels. 
  • Fossil Fuel – Fossil Fuels create higher energy as compared to Biofuel. 

Environment Friendly

  • Biofuel – Biofuel is environmentally friendly. 
  • Fossil Fuels – Fossil Fuels are not environmentally friendly. 

Conventional/Non – Conventional

  • Biofuel – Biofuels are non – conventional sources of energy. 
  • Fossil Fuels – Fossil Fuels are conventional sources of energy.


Biofuel and Fossil Fuels are both sources of energy. We have been using Fossil Fuels for such a long time that we have finally realized we need alternate sources of energy that are environmentally friendly, as Fossil Fuels might get depleted in the near future.

The main advantage biofuel has over fossil fuels is that not only biofuel is environmentally friendly but also, it is a renewable source of energy. The major difference between biofuel and fossil fuel is only their source of energy. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the other alternative sources of energy?

The alternative sources of energy apart from Biofuels are wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, etc. 

Q2. Why do we need alternative sources of energy?

We need alternative sources of energy because we have used non–renewable sources of energy forever, and these non–renewable sources of energy will get depleted sooner or later, and as the energy needs are going to be only higher in the future, we need to discover alternative sources of energy.

Q3. What are conventional and non – conventional sources of energy?

The conventional sources of energy are the traditional sources of energy that we have been using up till now.

Non – conventional sources of energy are those sources of energy that we have discovered now, and we are now using them as our alternate sources of energy.

The conventional sources of energy include coal, petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, etc. The non – conventional sources of energy include wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, etc. 

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