20+ Pros And Cons of Nursing (Explained)

Many people take up ‘Nursing’ as their career. There are plenty of good reasons why people must take up nursing as a career or a profession. The first and foremost reason for choosing a career choice does not require much effort or hard work to study nursing or to get through the course.

The reason is that the course does not require you to be a nerd or a scholar; many mediocre students can also pass the exams during the nursing course. But it goes without saying that everything or every profession in the world comes with some pros as well as cons.

Pros of Nursing:

It does not require hardworking:

To become a nurse, a person might have to crack an entrance exam to get through the course. The advantage here is that he or she does not really have to put much effort into studying and preparing for nursing exams.

The level of competition in this field here is much lower than in other fields, such as MBBS, Engineering, etc. In this modern day, where people tend to face loads and loads of competition, anyone would like to go something which is easier to get into.

There are opportunities to take private admissions as well:

If a person does not want to take up an entrance test or does not want to prepare for any examination, they can also be admitted to private colleges. Many nursing institutes or nursing colleges out there take donations from students to give admission to their colleges.

The good news is that the amount of donation that you need to spend on nursing is quite less than other courses, and often the amount is affordable by many.

It gives a person a great opportunity to serve people:

One of the biggest advantages of’ nursing’ is that it lets you serve the people out there. If you have an affinity towards serving people, then this can be a nice opportunity for you to serve people out there.

The sole task of a nurse is to serve ill and diseased people with all their might. Thus, it is a great way to fulfill one’s desire to serve people who are in need. This can give you peace of mind and satisfaction in your heart.

It is a trusted profession:

When it comes to the profession of ‘nursing,’ then this profession is considered to be the one which is the most trusted and ethical.  A nurse is often bound by his or her sense of responsibility. So, there is an inbuilt sense of trust in people’s minds regarding this profession.

This thing can be cited because when a person cannot find a doctor, or if a doctor is not available nearby, then a person generally prefers to consult a nurse and take her suggestions regarding aids and medicines.

Comfortable uniform sets:

The uniform that this profession provides is quite comfortable. In fact, the uniforms worn by all nurses are almost similar and easily recognizable by the people out there. The uniforms tend to resemble one another up to a great extent, which is why a person can easily figure out the profession of a nurse by merely seeing her uniform.

Moreover, a nurse’s job is to move the disabled and maimed patients here and there all day long. So, they provided them with comfortable pairs of shoes to save them from fatigue.

Diverse opportunities in the profession:

When ‘Nursing’ is being talked about, one of the major points associated with this profession is its diverse opportunities.

A nursing career has numerous opportunities in many fields as it is known that hospitals are everywhere, both private and government. A nurse can also find scope in various airlines etc. 

Cons of Nursing:

Physical fatigue:

A nurse generally has to work day in and day out and do several physical tasks. For example, they need to assist the physically challenged or the severely ill people with their moving. Also, they have to help the patients to perform various physical activities like exercising, working out, etc., to cure several diseases.

So, they tend to develop different kinds of fatigue in their arms and legs. Though this could be mitigated by using comfortable shoes, some may find it difficult to deal with fatigue.

Night shifts and long hours:

This is probably the one thing that every nurse out there tends to complain about: the long hours and night shifts. The working hours of a nurse are really long, and sometimes they need to do overtime as well whenever there is a rush. This profession has multiple shifts, so they must work several sleepless nights.

So, the tiredness and weariness that a nurse tends to feel after work hours hamper her work-life balance. After returning home, some of them do not tend to work at home and do not feel like dealing with household stuff.

Exposure to germs and viruses:

This is another and one of the biggest disadvantages of this profession. The people working in this profession tend to get exposed to various viruses and germs of multiple diseases. So, sometimes, they also tend to develop some illnesses caused by those communicable viruses.

All these diseases are caused due to direct exposure to various germs and viruses that they come in contact with while serving patients suffering from various contagious diseases.

Stress and pressure:

This profession is all about stress and pressure. Sometimes the pressure is so much that it is really difficult to take. It also tends to disturb a person’s daily work schedule and does not allow the nurses to practice the daily household stuff they used to do before joining this profession.

Sometimes they have to work 12 to 18 hours a day, making their entire day so tiresome that they might develop fatigue like headaches, mood swings, etc. 

Emotional Burnout

Nurses experience all kinds of human sufferings, which can wreak havoc on their emotions. For example, you can consider the nurses who actually have to treat serve an accident victim, who is in extreme pain, or if he or she has to take care of a young mother battling cancer, it can affect her emotions badly.

And more often than not, hospital nurses perceive more deaths than they can actually keep a count of, with every situation affecting their emotions differently.

So, by looking at the above pros and cons regarding this profession, you can decide whether it is a good profession to take up or not.

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