25+ Pros and Cons of Country Lockdown (Explained)

It is needless to mention how the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic has affected the people throughout the whole world. The situation has turned serious the moment World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic.

While this news is certainly not a good one when it comes to the death toll and the victims getting affected worldwide, but governments across the world have declared their respective countries to follow a lockdown stage for a certain period of time. India is not an exception.

Due to this, there shall be some advantages and disadvantages of the lockdown. Let’s find out.

Pros of Country Lockdown

  • Rate of Infection Spreading

The only and only purpose of the lockdown is to stop the spread of the coronavirus among the people. It is done to control and reduce the rate with which the infection was contaminating. It has successfully flattened the curve. The government is taking initiative to make things easy for the all the people.

  • Rates of Low Testing

The situation works in favor of both the government as well as the people as there are no such enhanced tools to determine numbers of victims who are infected. The rates of testing are extremely low and poor so lockdown is the only solution to ensure that the people are safe inside their houses.

  • Victims Accommodation

The coaches have declared that there are 3.2 lakhs beds for afflicted people accommodation. The Railways informed there are 16 zones which are requested to deploy the coaches including places like Mumbai and Secunderabad.

  • Shortage of PPEs

This Sunday, the Ministry of Health has declared that there has been a significant shortage of PPEs (personal protective equipment) for those who are healthcare workers. The manufacturing have already began but it will take time to produce the PPEs and the masks.

  • Ventilators Shortage

It has been reported that there has also been a shortage of the necessary ventilators required to keep the country’s victims under control. To fight this, lockdown makes sure the spread does not further reach out.

  • Improved Climate

On the bright side of the case, due to the coronavirus impact, people are in a self-quarantined state and hence, there has been a remarkable positive change and improvement of the overall climate in India.  

  • Ozone Layer Healing

India is a densely populated country. Due to the lockdown, there has been a significant reduction of air pollution as well as harmful emission of chemical byproducts. This is gradually healing the ozone layer which is responsible of protecting the earth from destructive UV radiations.

  • Spending Time With Families

In this lockdown state, people are able to invest more time with their families and dear ones. The hectic and busy schedules of office hours are now at rest and the minds are free. This creates a stronger bond between the people and brings them much closer to one another. 

  • Focusing On Oneself

When a person is in an isolation stage for a period of time, there are many things he can do for himself in order to learn or become productive. There is always room for improving oneself, especially in these lockdown time.

  • Creativity

In a person’s daily humdrum of life, one often cannot bring out time to concentrate on their hobbies or passions. Be it cooking, writing, watching movies or doing paints – this is the right time to get everything done and set things right.

Cons of Country Lockdown

  • Anxiety

During this stage of lockdown, majority of the people are suffering from depression and anxiety. This is happening due to the continuous isolation people are suffering from. It is affecting the mental heath in a negative way and is causing much difficulties.

  • Economical Crisis

Due to the lockdown, most of the businesses and companies have been shut down. There is a huge financial crisis throughout the country as there are no source of income or production. India is already a seriously afflicted country when it comes to economy and this lockdown has worsen the situation.

  • Things are Delayed

As the result of this, every single thing is postponed and therefore it is taking a huge toll on all the aspects. All the institutions are shut down and students are locked inside their houses. The parents are having trouble to deal with the children 24/7 for this. 

  • Ration Crisis

The rations provision such as wheat, rice or pulses are facing a major crisis due to its lack of production. Not only that, the prices of these daily essentials are hiked and that is causing many problems to middle class families and poor people.

  • Lack of Medical Treatment

In case any situation of emergency arises, it  has become quite difficult for the patients or people who faces immediate danger to get treatment. Hospitals and nursing homes are not cooperating and there are seldom doctors available to provide any sort of medical aid.

  • Increasing Crime

There have been several reports that women and children are trapped in the houses with abusive individuals. Domestic violence and harassments are committed upon me and due to this lockdown, they are unable to seek any sort of help either from police or from their relatives.

  • Homeless People

In this tough period of time, countless homeless people are struggling extremely to get their daily and basic needs looked after. There are no such initiatives taken to provide shelter and foods to these section of people and therefore, the situation is extremely tough to handle for them.

  • Losing Jobs

Many youths and people in the working sectors, both public and private, are losing out on their jobs. Several world-class companies are firing their employees to cope up with this situation of lockdown and accommodate the financial stabilities accordingly.

Overall, though there are several complex factors that have lead to taken this decision of the lockdown, it was necessary to take this step in order to protect the lives of the people. Beyond the advantages and disadvantages of this country lockdown, the concern of saving humanity is important. 

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