26+ Pros and Cons of Beer (Explained)

   It is common knowledge that beer is one of the most consumed drinks on the planet. It is the staple of millions and millions of people around the globe, resulting in it’s renowned title “Liquid Bread”. Beer, though it is an alcoholic drink, it generally amounts up to a 5% Alcohol Content.

So it is often regarded as a weaker substitute for hard liquor, especially by the younger generation. It is true that excessive beer consumption, will lead to severe health problems, but drinking beer has some interesting and relatively unknown benefits. 

Benefits of Drinking Beer Drawbacks of Drinking Beer
Beer can be beneficial for the health of the heartBeer has a high content of calories
Beer can prevent the formation of ulcersBeer has it’s own set of addictive qualities
Beer acts as a deterrent against Ischemic StrokeBeer consumption can lead to severe cases of bodily dehydration
Beer has a host of nutritious qualitiesBeer rapidly increases your blood pressure
Beer can reduce the risk of having kidney stonesExcessive beer-drinking can cause very erratic sleep patterns
Beer has been found to improve the structural integrity of bones
Beer has been found to improve brain function
Studies show that beer can reduce the risk of diabetes

Advantages of Drinking Beer

  • Heart

  Consumed in restricted amounts, beer is actually beneficial for the health of your heart, owing to it’s, albeit small, alcohol content. Drinking around 15-30g in weight of Alcohol every day, the cardiovascular disease mortality is reduced by around 25%, in comparison to abstainers. These smaller levels of alcohol intake, actually reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 34%.

Is It True that Beer Is Good for Your Heart
  • Beer and Ulcers :

   Alcoholic drinks that have 5% or lower alcohol content, can act as an Ulcer deterrent. So beer fits the bill perfectly and doctors believe that the fermentation process of beer production also plays a part in fighting ulcers apart from its alcohol content. The chemical, Gastrin,  in Alcohol(Beer) causes an increase in production of acids, in the stomach. 

  • Reducing risk of Ischemic Stroke :

  Beer has been found to have properties that prevent the risk of falling prey to an Ischemic Stroke. This disease manifests in the body in the form of blood vessels in the body clotting up. Adults who consume moderate quantities of beer every week have been seen to have considerably less risk. 

  • Nutrition :

   Beer is supposed to contain a considerable amount of protein and Vitamin B too.  Beer also has a host of different antioxidants owing to the fact that beer is prepared by using Barley and Hops. Both of these ingredients used in beer production consist of flavonoids which gives beer it’s content of antioxidants. 

  • Kidneys :

   Even though consuming excess amounts of alcohol can put a person under high risk for developing kidney stones, controlled consumption has actually proven to be potentially preventive to kidney stones. Research has shown that beer has the ability to bring down the chances of kidney stones forming by around 40%. White and red wine have also shown such qualities. 

  • Bones :

   Several Researches have shown that beer contains a significant amount of silicon, in the OSA Form, that can build bones. Studies have come to the fore that suggest that consuming moderate amounts of beer can be a preventive measure against Osteoporosis. Researchers say that this silicon content unfortunately has not been thoroughly tested till now. 

Isn't It True that Beer Helps Bones Maintain Their Strength
  • Brain Power :

   Recent studies show that the silicon in beer helps in protecting the brain from a host of compounds that are believed to give rise to cognitive diseases eventually. Drinking moderate amounts of beer is supposed to reduce the risk of such diseases by 23%. Rise in good cholesterol, due to beer, improves the flow of blood to the brain. 

  • Diabetes :

   The European Association’s Journal had a study published that found that the people who consumed beer around three or four times every week, were considerably less likely to fall prey to diabetes than those who do not drink. Specifically, the people who drank one to six beers, every week, have around a 21% lesser risk than, of diabetes, non-drinkers. 

Disadvantages of Drinking Beer 

  • Calories :

   A large bottle of beer can contain up to 300 calories. That is equivalent to more or less a medium serving of the French fries at McDonald’s. So drinking excess amounts of beer can very easily become a major reason for a drastic amount of increase in weight. So excessive beer drinking can be really harmful. 

  • Addictiveness :

   Even though the alcohol content of beer is very very low, any kind of alcoholic drink has it’s own set of addictive qualities. So beer also has a host of addictive qualities that can seem very alluring. Alcoholism has become a major cause of degrading health in millions of people, across the globe, making excessive beer drinking extremely hazardous. 

Isn't It True that Beer Can Lead to Addictiveness
  • Dehydration :

   Bodily Dehydration can cause severe harm to the human body. Beer can cause seriously high levels of bodily dehydration. In cases of excessive consumption of beer, this dehydration can be fatal to the health of an individual. The hangover the morning after a major beer-drinking session is the effect of this dehydration. 

  • Blood Pressure :

   Drinking three beers at stretch is more than enough to convincingly raise the body’s blood pressure beyond the safe limits. Drinking beer without keeping any check on the quantities will definitely increase your blood pressure, at every age. High blood pressure can lead to Heart Diseases, Strokes, Hypertension and in rare cases, even cancer. 

Is it True That Beer Raises Your Blood Pressure Easily
  • Sleeping Patterns :

   Beer can have disastrous effects on your regular sleeping patterns. Even though it tends to make you feel very sleepy in the beginning, it will be very hard to have a nice long nap. Heavy consumption of beer has been found to give rise to very erratic sleeping patterns and often even result in low-quality sleep. Tiredness and Fatigue are common results of excessive beer drinking. 

   Taking everything into account, you should always keep in mind that despite the very low alcohol content, beer is an alcoholic drink. In case you want to consume it, you should employ careful restrictions. But, as mentioned above, moderate amounts of beer from time to time can actually be good for you. 

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