26 Pros and Cons of Parabens Used In Cosmetics (Explained)

Not everybody knows about parabens, but they are an everyday part of the lives of most people. In most paraben-containing products, there are four major parabens: butyl-paraben, propyl-paraben, para-hydroxybenzoic acid and ethyl-paraben. You are blended with food to add color and avoid the spoilage of food.

Parabens can be found in personally-made hygiene products, like deodorants, dentures, makeup and shampoos as well as food.

Parabens are used for making products lasts longer; their chemically efficient preservatives make their ingredients fresher for longer periods of time. They kill moulds and fungi before they have a chance of spreading and damaging products. While the “pros” of Parabens are limited, the lifetime and effectiveness of many beautiful and health-care items are dramatically extended; they prevent products from being spoiled in the store or in the home medicine cabinets or drawers.

BENEFITS of Parabens in CosmeticsDRAWBACKS of Parabens in Cosmetics

Advantages of Parabens in Cosmetics:


If we don’t want something near our skin or inside our body, it’s bacteria. Thankfully, parabens prevent this, so they can be found in things usually used in our faces or bodies or in the food we eat. Many cosmetic products, according to Dr. Arthur Rich, contain parabens, because as antiseptic preservatives, they are affordable and highly effective. Parabens also rarely cause allergic reactions; therefore, it’s not uncomfortable for many people worldwide to use parabens.


Preservatives such as parabens can be used in cosmetics to protect the consumer and to preserve product integrity from the growth of microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungus).


Parabens are used as preservatives and anti-microbial agents in the food industry since more than 50 years. Some fruit, like blueberries, have parabens as a natural preservative. In candy shops, cereal snacks, dried meat and much more parabens are commonly used.


The reason that parabens have been so much liked by the cosmetics industry is due to the great preservatives and that they rarely cause allergies to parabens compared to many other preservatives.

Parabens are cheap, too.

Disadvantages of Parabens in Cosmetics:


Parabens can cause a range of allergic reactions. They cause irritation to the skin. It can result in a serious type of skin inflammation with rashes, blisters and burning skin, which also results in contact dermatitis. This is because parabens penetrate the skin deeply and interferes with the normal work of hormones.

Parabens can cause irritation and allergic reactions in the skin , particularly to the skin that is susceptible, damaged or broken. Studies show that parabens can be inflammatory especially to those suffering pre-existing psoriasis, eczema or contact dermatitis patterns. Therefore, parabens are often not used to preserve topical hydrocortisone and antibiotic creams.


Amusingly, many commercial products made of parabens claim to be marketed as beauty products for anti-aging products. Parabens can, however, lead to skin aging faster. Some parabolic kinds may worsen the damage from the sun. This can come as a shocking surprise with the use of anti-wrinkle cream containing parabens. That’s why paraben-free creams should always be used.

The side effects of parabens on the skin are brutal and well documented. The methyl type of paraben damages the skin particularly and makes the sun more sensitive. Before you go outdoors, the application of paraben products may cause your skin cells to die more quickly than usual when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Products from skin care should protect, not damage, your skin.


Parabens may increase the production of estrogen leading to oestrogen-positive breast cancer and problems of male infertility. However, studies suggesting this were the focus of much debate and controversy.

A lab study has demonstrated that frequent use of parabens can lead to increased oestrogen in the body, which may impact women’s reproductive organs. A similar study found that certain men who use parabens have lower sperm levels and lower testosterone levels than those who do not use paraben products.

The UK scientist Philippa Darbre released a study in 2004 that showed traces of parabens in samples of breast cancer tissues. The study found traces of five different parabens in 19 of 20 tumors in humans with breast cancer. Darbre found that parabens not only enter your body through the skin, but fuel cancer cell growth.

  • Potential Interference With Endocrine System Function

Parabens will interfere with the endocrine system’s healthy function. Because this system supports a wide range of physical functions, including development and growth, sleep , mood and metabolism, it is important that the system is maintained properly.

Hormone production and glandular activity are interfered with by parabens. Alas, parabens are still commonly used in many skin and personal care products, despite evidence of their harm.


The research showed that parabens are even more dangerous when used during pregnancy. As though the reasons we already mentioned are not enough on their own. A variety of problems could occur with prenatal parabens exposure. During pregnancy, these toxic substances can be absorbed into the blood stream and enter the growing foetus.

Parabens are endocrine disrupters and the placental barrier is known for being crossed. In these toxic human chemicals, the foetus can develop developmental and reproductive disorders. Parabens and immune system dysfunction are also linked to learning difficulties in children.

It does not really worth exposing your baby to such hazardous chemicals. Give yourself a greater tranquillity only with the use of skin-free products.

The most common parabens, such as methylparaben, propylparaben, Butylparaben and isobutylparaben can be found in a number of variants. In plant sources, some parabens are naturally found. In blueberries, for instance, methyl paraben is found to be an antimicrobial agent. All commercially used parabens are synthesized, many of which are identical to the natural ones. Up to now, parabens are the most reliable and best preservatives to use in the body ‘s products.

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